Saturday, March 27, 2010



Tech: GF1, 20mm F1.7, 1/125 sec, F1.7 , ISO100

Friday, March 26, 2010


Anyone who sees a Vespa would, I think, agree that there is something special about Italian design.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Guide Dog in Training

Rafferty in training, at local puppy raiser workshop.

Tech: GF1, 20MM F1.7, 1/30, F1.7, ISO 800

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What? I can't carry my ammo on board?

Michelle Spencer, Customer Support Manager of the local TSA office, came to speak to my Air Transportation class at Salt Lake Community College. These are a few of the items collected at the screening check points in one week at Salt Lake International. The black pistol is a working BB gun, the small silver/black and the grenade are lighters, and the orange .45 is a plastic practice weapon used in training classes, and those are live 30.06 cartridges. I guess it's possible to forget you have all these items in your carry-on... One take-away from Michelle's presentation is that if you show up at the screening point with a concealed weapon, even if you have a concealed carry permit, it's an automatic felony. This reportedly happens "a few times a week" at SLC International, and most of those people also claim they forgot they were packing heat. I don't think you can get a concealed carry permit if you have a felony conviction, so this would seem to be a self-limiting process.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Clouds over Wasatch and Oquirrh Mountains

These were all taken in the evening, March 07, about 17:30, with a Panasonic GF1 micro-four-thirds camera.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


In a local coffee shop: Cucina's
Tech: GF1 with 20mm F1.7

Friday, March 12, 2010

Morning Sky

Morning sky looking south towards Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons in the Wasatch Mountains. Taken from the east bench area of Salt Lake City. GF1, 20mm.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ghost Pipes

Taken through a window, this mix of reflections caught my eye at lunch.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Stillwater Canyon, Green River

Sunrise on the Greeen River. Our annual fall canoe trip, this time in the Stillwater section from Mineral Bottom to the confluence with the Colorado.

Tech: Canon 1DMarkII
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Old Pants

1/15 sec, f/1.7, ISO800 on moving bus

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Washington Square

Washington Square in Salt Lake City includes the recently renovated city-county building. As I was biking past I grabbed this quick shot. DMC-GF1, 20mm, 1/25 sec at f1.7, ISO 100. I will often shoot handheld at what are usually considered "too-slow" shutter speeds so that I can use noise-free ISO 100. With practice it's possible to get clean shots at 1/8 second with a 40mm (35 mm equivalent) or shorter lens, even without IS in the lens or camera.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Derelict House

This house is located near 200S and 700 East. It's actually a great old house, and it's sad to see these irreplaceable homes fall into disrepair and then get demolished to make way for yet another strip mall or commercial development. Check out the dentil molding and other details.

Panasonic m4/3 GF1 20mm f/1.7 1/15sec ISO1600 handheld. RAW image converted to grayscale. Shot after sundown (18:45 MST) by available light.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Waiting for Trax

Taken with "micro 4/3 camera" Panasonic GF1 with 20mm F1/7 lens.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cathedral of the Madeline Christmas eve binaural recording

Audio is here as a Livescribe community pencast.

You can just click to listen - no need to download first. This is a binaural recording so for best effect listen with stereo headset or earphones. This was recorded with the Livescribe pen using little microphones (included with each pen) in each of my ears. So it's just how it sounded if you had been standing there in my shoes. It's not CD quality by any stretch; the pen is intended to record voice notes, not music. But you may be surprised how good it sounds.

The Madeline Choir School is pretty phenomenal and this performance features them, as well as the pipe organ. The Cathedral of the Madeline in Salt Lake City is a beautifully restored historical building and the sound inside is pretty wonderful.