Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What? I can't carry my ammo on board?

Michelle Spencer, Customer Support Manager of the local TSA office, came to speak to my Air Transportation class at Salt Lake Community College. These are a few of the items collected at the screening check points in one week at Salt Lake International. The black pistol is a working BB gun, the small silver/black and the grenade are lighters, and the orange .45 is a plastic practice weapon used in training classes, and those are live 30.06 cartridges. I guess it's possible to forget you have all these items in your carry-on... One take-away from Michelle's presentation is that if you show up at the screening point with a concealed weapon, even if you have a concealed carry permit, it's an automatic felony. This reportedly happens "a few times a week" at SLC International, and most of those people also claim they forgot they were packing heat. I don't think you can get a concealed carry permit if you have a felony conviction, so this would seem to be a self-limiting process.

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